
Happy Solstice.

(image via tumblr)

Pause. Reflect. Release.

Glance at the sun.
See the moon and the starts.
Gaze at the beauty of the earth's greenings.
-Hildegard of Bingen


AB's 6th Birthday.

Oh, happy day.

Time with children runs through our fingers like water as we lift our hands, try to hold, to capture, to fix moments in a lens, a magic circle of images or word. We snap photos, videotape, memorialize while we experience a fast-forward in which there is no replay of even a single instant. - Louise Erdrich


Gifts for the Urban Mama.

1.essie nail polish in power clutch

2. essie nail polish in master plan

by Susan Riss & Teresa Palagano

4. NOOK Color from Barnes & Noble

by Grace Bonney

6. Monocle magazine

7. Envirosax in Bloom

Thus far the mighty mystery of motherhood is this: How is it that doing it all feels like nothing is ever getting done.   
-Rebecca Woolf


Just A Pen.

{image via flickr}
At breakfast this morning, AB angled a pen on a thick wicker placemat. The following exchange occurred:

"Hey Mom, the pen looks like a slide!"

"You're right! And you know, that's what is called an 'incline'."

"Or a pen."

Well, alrighty then.

There is so much that I want for her to learn. There are teachable moments all the time. However, in my earnest quest to expose her to as many cool and wonderful things as possible, I sometimes forget that she's only five. I don't need to take every single opportunity to introduce a concept or emphasize an idea.

Sometimes a pen is just a pen (that looks like a slide).