
Single Parents Day.

Apparently, today was Single Parents Day. A whole day to honor the hard work of single parents.

As a single parent, I find it to be unncessary as a way to bring awareness to the challenges and triumphs of parenting. Two reasons:
  1. It's rather obvious that parenting is hard, and even harder without a partner.
  2. Mother's Day and Father's Day cover both categories of single parents (or caregivers) quite well, I believe.
However, I think that it should be day to bring awareness to single parents about acknowledging the good things we do, instead of bemoaning the things that our kids don't have or the people who are not in their lives. Stop, take a moment and pat yourself on the back for the damn fine job you are doing as a parent.

A handful of personal kudos:
  • I tell AB "I love you" & give her kisses and hugs upon her multiple times a day.
  • Without prompting, AB tells me "I love you" gives me kisses and hugs multiple times a day.
  • I get compliments on how she carries herself when I am not around.
  • We read together every day.
  • We laugh together every day.
As the day draws to a close, I am grateful to continue on this journey with such an awesome kid.

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