
How To Talk To Kids.

She's only six, but it's already starting.

"So, how was your day?"


"What did you learn today?"

"I don't know."

"What did you do today?"


Really? You just spent 4 hours with a 29 other kids and 4 adults (teacher, student teacher, and parent volunteers) and you have absolutely nothing to say about it. Really?!

I know that I am not the only parent who is experiencing this. There are tons of articles written about it. Various tips for how to get your kid to talk to you. I was fully aware that this day would come. But it wasn't supposed to arrive so soon.

AB went on a field trip today. She talked about The Field Trip for weeks beforehand. She counted down the days until this oh so important day, March 29, 2012, when she would be going on The Field Trip. I was expecting to pick her up and find a kid who couldn't way to tell me about all the fun, amazing, unbelievable things that had happened on The Field Trip.

Instead, it was like pulling teeth. I was lucky that she even told me the names of her bus seat buddies. Hours later, during dinner, she finally shared some highlights of The Field Trip.

This is not supposed to be so hard. She's in kindergarten for heavens sake. When I pick her up, she should be excited, right? Bursting at the seams, ready to share all the awesome stuff that happens in the magical world of kindergarten. I shouldn't need use an arsenal of tactics that are meant for parents of tweens and teens.

I know that this is not a result of her school or her teacher, both of which are amazing. My frustration will most likely be alleviated by finding a different way to engage with her.

But I can't help but think, "This would so not be an issue if I were homeschooling."

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