
Once Upon a Mattress

I am a horrible mother.

I have not had this new bed for a whole 24 hours and brown-eyed babe has fallen off of it. This was not a short tumble from the pathetic stack of dilapidated mattresses I called a bed prior to the acquisition of a Stearns & Foster pillow-topped full (thanks to my father, the furniture guru). The dropoff on this thing is amazing. And she experienced it this morning as she crawled over me in my grogginess and promptly went over the edge. Thud. Deargod, I broke the baby. To make matters worse she's been feeling under the weather since yesterday morning. So I rescued the snotty wailing baby from the tiny space between the bed and her playpen. I calmed her down and laid her back on the bed to do my proper motherly inspection. No scrapes,bruises, or bumps. I'm really not the one to blame for this debacle. It's my mother's fault. She has gotten a new bedroom set, which resulted in the subsequent mattress shuffle. I hope that I haven't traumatized the kid. Is she going to develop fear of heights or quality mattresses?

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