"...Susan Linn, co-founder of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, calls Abby's introduction a blatant attempt to compete with the gigantic Disney princess market.
'The last thing little girls need is one more pink fairy,' she says. 'My understanding is that she's a little incompetent with her magic, too. I'm concerned that now even the Sesame Workshop has bought into the girlie, girlie commercialized image of what it is to be feminine. They could have had an Asian girl, they could have had a girl who's really good at math. They could have had someone who's just more complex.' '' - San Jose Mercury News, 8/30/06
Ummm.... she's kidding right? How complex and competent is a 3 year old supposed to be? And did Ms. Linn had a problem with Zoe being a monster? Abby can hardly be compared to the Disney princesses. I mean her mom works for the princesses, right? Plus, she is implying that it is impossible to be feminine and smart. Feminine does not equal ditzy, Ms. Linn.
But hey this is coming from a 23 year old college graduate who is obessed with The Gossip Girl Series.
Apparently, girlie/girly is an offensive term referring to nude or scantily clad women. Well, ya learn something new everyday.
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