
One Moment at a Time.

I start my last year of law school next Monday. Excitement. While the newness of law school wore off a long time ago, the excitement on being closer to the end than the beginning is a very good feeling. I gifted myself with a beautiful new red Moleskin planner and diligently filled in my schedule. Then promptly felt overwhelmed at the vast amount of things that need to be accomplished in a seemingly short amount of time.

There is the expression "one day at a time," but I find that "one moment at a time" is more manageable because sometimes even a day can seem daunting as we look at all the things on our to-do list.

So when I am needing to be productive, I need to dice up my time into manageable chunks. I focus on things in 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 60 minutes intervals because the worst feeling is to set out to undertake a task and find that an hour or two later you have made no headway on said task and really don't have anything to show for the last few moments of your time. For even if you have worked diligently on something and decided to chuck it at least you made some progress because you found out something that didn't work out and are now free to pursue other possibilities. 

I like the senes of accomplishment that comes from completing a task, no matter how small, whether it be washing the dishes or finishing the outline for my latest brief. I think it is important to give oneself kudos for all of the various things that we accomplish in a day. When you think about all of the various things that you get done in a day, it is kind of amazing. If we celebrate the little things, then we might just find that extra bit of energy (that positive "hey, I'm doing pretty good" energy) to accomplish the major things.

Try it, and if it doesn't work, then return to the harried, thus exhausting, way. No harm, no foul.

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