

I need to buy stock in Gerber and Pampers (or their parent companies) because the amount of money that they get from me is astounding. Target should be added to the list as well since that is where I am buying the products. I am such a Target-whore.

A few weeks back there was a scare at brown-eyed babe's 12-month check up. She had dropped in her growth percentiles. She had even lost weight! When I walked out of the pediatrician's office I felt like I had "World's Worst Mother" stamped on my forehead. I felt horrible. The doctor recommended PediaSure replacing two bottles/cups of milk a day. PediaSure?! That crap is expensive!!! So (suprise-surprise) I got her the Target brand and it has worked just as well. Her weight is back up and my faith in Target has been renewed and validated yet again.

Too bad I can't meet my next boyfriend at Target. I am getting desperate. Well, not really. But I do want a boyfriend again. I miss having a companion. I'm becoming so delusional that I am having daydreams about reuniting with blue-eyed boy. Not that this well ever happen, even he miraculously became the man that I was wanting for him to be, because he is still with Her. (I am bitter about Her and I will continue to be bitter about Her just because I can). Therefore, I am longing for a new male friend. I want that closeness. I like the guy smell. There is something so substantial about a guy. Even a guy with a slim build still has a sturdiness to him. I want sturdy. However, there are no prospects which is why I am fantasizing about white picket fences with blue-eyed boy.

Too bad Target doesn't sell boyfriends. I bet their profit margin would go through the roof.


Finally, I am giving this new blogger a whirl. Not as big of a deal as I thought it would be. Quite anticlimatic in fact.

In the two months that I have not written, brown-eyed babe has learned to say "apple". She calls every object "apple" and everyone "mama". If only life were so simple. Blue-eyed boy went into detox for 30 days and currently has a very rosy outlook on life. Alcoholic binges certainly due cloud up one's view, don't they? However, he is not my problem, any more. Thank heavens.

I have started my AmeriCorps position at the city public library in the adult literacy program. This combined with my other job as a paralegal and my other other job as a mother, I have been quite busy. However, things have started to settle down into a routine.

So, I'm going to be writing more.....really, I am.